
i cornered and kissed her

and it pissed her sister off

i tore up and tagged her

and it flagged her haggard mom

i now pronounce you “man and wife”

good day, “good things”

and you may kiss the bride

the fat lady sings

(i take the fall for all again...

into the fire department

i take the call, comedienne.

so fare thee well, my fair-weather friend.)

i caught and dismissed her

and soon missed her blistered skin

i taunted and hit her

and soon quit her next of kin

i now pronounce you “dag and fyke”

good day, “good things”

and you may kiss the bride

the fat lady sings

(i take the fall for all again...

into the fire department

i take the call, comedienne.

so fare thee well, my fair-weather friend.)

“good things”