
w h i t e . h o u s e

1 4 . n o v e m b e r , 2 0 1 7

if my calculation is correct

in due time you'll be mine

you walk away and don't expect

to smell my breath behind

just another case of me

another pretty face to grease

destination hewlett neck,

i lazily proceed

operation: ireland

most likely to secede

just another prize for me

another pair of thighs to greet

take leave…  take me.

break free…  break me,


the invitation you extend,

i've waited patiently

with no delay and no regret

we drink each other's pee-pee

just another pass from me

another piece of ass to grieve

take leave…  take me.

break free…  break me,


tongue-tied in the white house, prowling…

fair game for the hunt.

crunch time in the white house, howling:

“take care, everyone!”